Clinical Evaluation Report Overview

New EU MDR Regulation 2017/745, Chapter VI annex e 61 mandates a clinical evaluation report to be submitted along with technical file to demonstrate the safety and performance of the medical device based on the intended use claimed by the manufacturer.

European Commission released MEDDEV 2.7/4 Revision 4 guidelines explaining in detail the process of clinical evaluation and development of the CER. EU commission released to MEDDEV 2.7/1 Rev 4 and IMRF N41 guidance document before the arrival of EU MDR article 61. Both guidance documents are legally not binding.

Clinical evaluation report must document important aspects such as the scope of the clinical evaluation, description of the medical device, state-of-the-art science and technology, clinical background, and route of clinical evaluation for the device under evaluation. The report must be updated on routine intervals.

The manufacturer has the right to monitor PMS, PMCF, and PSUR activities, and the status of the risk management strategy to determine when to update the clinical evaluation report.

Notified Bodies during routine surveillance reviewing CER do not require a set schedule for Clinical Evaluation updates. Still, they require manufacturers to have their own processes in place for when and how the clinical evaluation report will be updated.

Clinical Evaluation Process as Per MDR Article 61

Medical device manufacturers of all risk classes and types must clinically evaluate the device’s safety and performance before applying for Notified Body for CE Marking. To conduct a clinical evaluation as per MDR Article 61, the manufacturer has to examine clinical data sourced from various sources to conclude the subjected medical device is safe and performing well for the intended purpose.

The clinical evaluation of a medical device extends throughout the entire life cycle of the device, and it’s becoming a tough challenge for the manufacturers to maintain and orderly arrange the documents.

cer process

Clinical Evaluation Report (CER Writers)

We’ve heard hundreds of top officials and QA/RA regulatory managers speak about the revised MEDDEV 2.7/1 Rev 4 and the introduction of the new MDR and its effect and uncertainty on both the Notified Body surveillance audit and the new CE Application over the last two years.

In light of this puzzle, we believe it is critical for top officials and managers to have a strategic structure to use external CER consultants to resolve uncertainty in MDR 2017/745 & MEDDEV 2.7/1 Rev 4.

As a result, we, as one of the best CER writers, like to propose a basic strategy: “handover the clinical evaluation project to us, and we’ll take care of the rest.” While reviewing the features mentioned below, you can quickly see why manufacturers consider us a “real sourcing partner in medical device regulation.” It’s also important to note that this is not a one-time project for us; it’s a long-term commitment.

  • We are not just CER consulting firm!!. We guide, create, review and submit documentation to Notified Body. Still not over. We manage, answer the notified body if any review comments, and resubmit if required. We will not ask or allow the client team to handle the documentation until we finish the job.  We only need correct information from the client.
  • Regardless of risk class or form, any unit will be taken on by our trained, effective, and experienced team in Bangalore, India, which will handle each project with utmost dedication and passion, under the supervision of team leaders and project heads. Day-to-day operations are carried out in the cloud, making it simple for clients worldwide to comprehend and direct missing data.
  • We’re not just giving advice!! We develop the documents, review them, and submit documentation to the Notified Body if not done yet. We manage, reply and answer to notified bodies for any review feedback. We would not ask or encourage the client team to order the paperwork until the job is completed. We only want accurate information from the client.
  • Last but not least, low prices and lightning-fast delivery. You are welcome to participate in a clinical evaluation project to see if we vary from the competition.

Advantages of Outsourcing Clinical Evaluation Report

For early-stage NB approval or to ensure CE Certificate Validity, our expert writers will simplify and coordinate the Clinical Evaluation GSPR. All must recognize that medical device clinical evaluation is a recurring activity during product lifecycles, whether you are pursuing CE Certification or already have one. Manufacturers must establish and keep processes, as well as clinical evaluation  report and supporting documentation, such as complete product details, post-market surveillance, risk management, and equivalent device data, readily accessible.

Looking beyond the enormity of their workload and the monumental challenge of developing and evaluating documentation for all of their medical devices, which is covered in each of the technical files by company staff, is not ideal. According to a recent survey, 68% of studies prepared and submitted in-house by medical device companies are either rejected by notified bodies or have several significant GAPA in their CERs and supporting evidence.

When it comes to conducting Clinical Evaluations, it is strongly recommended that manufacturers hire qualified clinical evaluation report consultants or writers to streamline the process by documentation completed by skilled external practitioners. The cost of developing skills for in-house staff is significantly higher than recruiting external professionals.

Clinical Evaluation Plan

A clinical Evaluation Plan is a road map for conducting the clinical evaluation process since it contains the scope, methodological and systematic approach of proceeding and reaching a conclusion on the clinical evaluation. It is the first and foremost document to be prepared.

It gives the stepwise planning for the activities to be carried out. This plan helps to conduct and document a clinical evaluation continuously. Chapter VI, Article 61 of the MDR details the relevant aspects to the critical assessment of the clinical data that support the general safety and performance requirements. Towards the end of clause no. 1 has indicated planning, conducting, and documenting the clinical evaluation.

Annex XIV, Part A explains the details explicitly to be covered in the clinical evaluation plan.

Clinical Evaluation Plan Contents

  • Identification of general safety and performance requirements (Annex I of MDR) that require clinical data support.
  • The intended purpose of the device.
  • Intended target groups with indications and contraindications.
  • Different aspects are required for the analysis and the conformity assessment of the clinical data.
  • Intended clinical benefits with relevant and specified clinical outcome parameters.
  • Methods to be used to examine qualitative and quantitative aspects of clinical safety concerning residual risks and side effects.
  • Identify and specify the parameters to be used to determine the acceptability of the benefit-risk ratio for various indications and the device’s intended purpose, based on state –of –art.
  • If any specific components such as pharmaceuticals, non-viable animal or human tissues are incorporated in the medical device, then how to address the related benefit-risk has to be identified.
  • Indication of the method followed for collecting clinical data for the clinical evaluation( equivalent device data or the device under evaluation data or the scientific literature.
  • A clinical development plan indicates the progress from an exploratory investigation to a confirmatory study and a PMCF with a clear indication of the milestone and description of potential acceptance criteria for each progression.
  • Level of clinical evidence required to demonstrate the conformity assessment of the general safety and performance requirement.

MEDDEV 2.7.1 Rev. 4 is the guideline for performing the clinical evaluation of a medical device before CE marking and after the CE marked stage. It has a stage-wise explanation for the clinical assessment. Stage 0 contains the Scoping and the planning of the Clinical evaluation, which specifies the contents as below:

  • Device description.
  • Intended purpose, Target group, an indication that requires any specific attention for safety and performance.
  • The specific application of the device target the treatment group and disease proposed warnings, contraindications, precautions, and application method.
  • Specific claims were made by the manufacturer about clinical safety & performance.
  • Residual risk has clinical significance.
  • Applicable standards and guidelines available for the current knowledge and state of the art, available medical alternatives for the target population.
  • Data source & types of data to be used in clinical evaluation.

All the above aspects must be covered for both (a) before CE Marking and (b) already CE Marked medical devices. Information needed to evaluate equivalence, if it is claimed, has also been considered the before CE-marking devices.

Aspects of being considered for CE Marked Devices during Planning

  • Relevant changes in the design, materials, manufacturing processes, information materials supplied by the manufacturer or other claims, and any claims related to the equivalence.
  • Any specific clinical concerns that have newly emerged and that need to be addressed.
  • PMS aspects to be updated with the new clinical data, new knowledge about potential hazards, risks, performance, benefits, claims, and any other elements identified in the PMS.
  • Any need for planning PMS activities.

Literature Search Protocol

The clinical evaluation literature search protocol results are related to the critical information needed to establish the subject device’s or an equivalent device’s safety and performance. This will assist in determining current knowledge and state-of-the-art (SOA). It is required by MEDDEV 2.7.1 Rev 4 and MDR article 61. Scientific Literature supports the clinical safety and performance of medical devices by combining data from various sources that are relevant to the device under review.

The purpose of the Clinical Evaluation Literature search Protocol is to prove the medical device’s clinical safety and performance through data obtained from various Literature relevant to the device under evaluation for establishing its clinical safety and performance. (Clinical Performance: Behavior of a medical device or response of the subject(s) to that medical device concerning its intended use, when correctly applied to the relevant issue (s).)

Sources of Literature Search

Among the different sources of clinical Literature, must follow a comprehensive search strategy in multiple databases. Should use an appropriate and a maximum number of relevant keywords on the various sources of search.

  • Scientific Literature Database
  • Internet Searches
  • Non-published data
  • Citations referenced in the Scientific Literature

The search strategy should be documented and justified.

Scientific Literature Search Databases

  • MEDLINE or PubMed.
  • Shall search additional databases such as European PMC to ensure the adequate coverage of devices and therapies in use in Europe, to identify relevant clinical trials and publications of user experience.
  • Progress the searches by device name and manufacturer (e.g. EMBASE (biomedical literature database) /Excerpta Medica, the Cochrane CENTRAL trials register, etc.).
  • Due to frequent changes in information coverage and search features available in scientific databases, the criteria for selecting adequate databases must be defined and re-evaluated regularly.

Effectively way to conduct a Literature search

The selection of Literature should be objective and justified, i.e. the selected Literature should include all relevant data, both favorable and unfavorable. With respect to the clinical evaluation, the clinical evaluators must assess the degree to which the selected papers reflect the intended application/ use of the device.

  • Develop a Clinical Evaluation literature search protocol based on subject
  • Literature search planning based on the available resources and subject device
  • The keywords/strings used for the search should not be too broad or too narrow.
  • List all databases used for search, e.g. Medline/ PubMed, EMBASE, the Cochrane register, etc.)
  • To review the abstracts of the studies carefully to save time
  • The Literature should be direct to the device or the equivalent device, a similar device having the same intended use, inclusion/exclusion criteria, etc.

The output of the Literature search

  • The relevant literature abstract should describe the purpose, method, and results.
  • Should provide the data relevancy in terms of intended use, user population, use environment, patient population, safety, and performance of the literature data to the device under evaluation.
  • The current knowledge/state of the art must be provided for the proper conduct of the appraisal and analysis of the clinical data of the device under evaluation and the equivalent.
  • The Literature collected should be related directly to the device in question (e.g. publications of clinical investigations of the device in question that third parties have performed, its side effects or complications, incidence reports) and/or to the equivalent device, benchmark devices, other devices, and medical alternatives available to the intended patient population.
  • In the overall conclusion of the Literature, the output should be mentioned, and it should satisfy the clinical safety and performance of the device under evaluation following its intended purpose.

Clinical Evaluation Report Writer Pricing

(Clinical Evaluation Report Writer, Consulting, Document & CER Writing Services with PMS, PMCF, PSUR)

Are they worried or confused about MDR Article 61 or MEDDEV 2.7/1 Revision 4 Clinical Evaluation Report? No worries. Our CER expert writers review your current clinical evaluation report and CER writing process from top to bottom.

Is it essential for the makeover to Article 61 to send you a formal offer for your approval? Before sending the request, we take you to the cockpit and explain what we do and what you must do in due course.

Class III
Class III
Class III
Class IIb
Class IIb
Class IIb
Class IIa
Class IIa
Class IIa
STAGE 0Development of QMS Clinical Evaluation Processtickticktick
Scoping for Clinical Evaluation tick tick tick
SOP Development for the Clinical Evaluation Activities tick tick tick
Develop Clinical Evaluation Plan tick tick tick
Guidance and Drafting Declaration of Interest tick tick tick
Clinical Evaluator Profile and Selection Support tick tick tick
STAGE 1PHASE 1 – Identification of Pertinent Data
Development of SOP for the Data Retrieval tick tick tick
PHASE 2 – Data Generated and held by Manufacturer *
Development of SOP for the Literature Search & Review tick tick tick
Identify Literature Source and Scientific Literature tick tick tick
Search Report tick tick tick
STAGE 2Development of SOP for the Demonstration of Equivalencetickticktick
Demonstration for Equivalence Devices tick tick tick
Development of SOP for the Appraisal of Clinical Data tick tick tick
Data Suitability Appraisal tick tick tick
Appraisal of Criteria for Data Contribution tick tick tick
STAGE 3Development of SOP for Analysis of the Clinical Datatickticktick
Analysis of Clinical Data tick tick tick
STAGE 4Develop Clinical Evaluation Report with Conclusiontickticktick
Review Risk-Benefit, IFU / User Manual, Pre-Clinical, Bench Test & Performance Test Data and make appropriate modifications if needed tick tick
PMS Guidance & Documentation tick tick
PMCF Guidance and Documentation tick tick
PSUR Guidance & Documentation tick tick
 Coordination, Answering, making corrections in CER Writing, and Resubmission to Notified Body till CER Approval.


Essential things about Clinical evaluation report writing:

  • Availability of equivalent device 25% fees discount
  • Drug-Device combination products 40% additional fees
  • Active Implantable Device 40% additional fees
  • Additional Fees for paid scientific Literature. The prices may vary between 150-350 USD
  • Complete activities are done in the cloud. Clinical evaluation report consultants or writers travel to clients located limited to emergency only.
  • The above fees are for each clinical significance (Clinical Indication) of the medical device.
  • We practice completing a Class IIb CER writing for a single clinical indication in less than 120 days.